Over the last few months I have dedicated myself to revitalizing the Gerg Werk identity. As a large portion of my design practice utilizes motion and video, I wanted to give homage to these aspects in the redesign. I have done this by visualizing the new Gerg Werk logo as a modified keyframe icon. In animation, keyframes mark the start and end of any transition by moving objects at a steady, constant rate. If you want to give the audience a little razzle dazzle, Easing Keyframes will allow objects to move with inertia, style, and elegance. One type of Easing Keyframe is visualized as a hourglass shape. This ‘Bezier’ Keyframe not only represents style and personality, but also resembles a lowercase ‘g’.
In case you were wondering how these keyframe types effect how objects move, I’ve created a short animation below.
Keyframe – the movement is linear, lacks variety in speed by moving objects in a constant rate
Ease Out – will start the animation slowly, and finish at full speed
Ease In – will start the animation at full speed, then finish slowly
Bezier – shares attributes from both easing keyframes. It is this extra style and attention to detail that I hope to continue to include throughout my work.
Design elements using the Bezier Keyframe as inspiration for the letter ‘g’. After lots of sketching, I was able to create a larger mark that also utilizes the Bezier Keyframe into the initials GWK – Gerg Werk._
Process sketch variations: