Some photographs documenting travels around town._ Work I helped design with Stimulant for MOHAI, Seattle_ No Gergs were injured in the making of this photo
I had the opportunity to travel to Banff, Canada late last year. All the footage is taken with a Canon 60D. I opted getting a standard kit lens (18-55mm) and…
Seattle: Part II documents my time at the well known Decibel Festival. I had the opportunity to shoot extra footage while documenting Stimulant's audio-reactive signage for Decibel. I was able to…
While documenting Stimulant's digital signage for the Decibel Festival in Seattle, I took some extra video for fun. These handheld video tests were captured without the aid of any camera rig. The…
A few adventures with Deus Ex Detective Agency at Burning Man 2013._ Home base_ Deus Ex Detective Agency was asked to be the very first fighters in the Death Guild's…
American Museum of Natural History _ Sugimoto ain't got nothin' on me_ The Highline_ Art by JR - Lakota Project _ Grand Central Station _ New York Public Library: main…