Take a look at some of the animation, graphic design, branding, illustration, and information design projects I worked on in 2017.
The WEConomy: You Can Find Meaning, Make A Living, and Change the World
I was in charge of creating illustrations and designing over 50 icons throughout the book. You can purchase the book here: https://www.amazon.com/WEconomy-Meaning-Living-Change-World/dp/1119447798

Microsoft IT Showcase: Digital Daredevils

Digital Daredevils is a web article I helped design and illustrate for a Microsoft IT Showcase. This story examines how Microsoft Elite employees compete to find bugs in the company’s newest technology in order to earn the coveted Elite Jacket. You can read the full article here: https://www.microsoft.com/itshowcase/elite
Here are a few key visuals that I designed:

Amazon Macie branding concepts
Amazon Macie is an AWS security service that uses machine learning to automatically discover, classify, and protect sensitive data. Below is the brand identity concept I created for this emerging service.

Mark making process:
Amazon Summit Conference
Amazon Summit intro animation based on Julia Ondich’s identity design.