Process documentation:_
A few background texture tests I created and mocked up in c4d:
My Roles: Concept Design // Visual Design // Video Production // Post Production
_ Client: Decibel Festival Agency: Stimulant Header image: Chelsea L. Perry
For the 2014 Decibel Festival, Stimulant designed and built an interactive art installation. The Decibel Cube (#dbCube) uses four Kinect 2’s to track dancers movement across a four foot, five sided plexiglass cube. Dancers on opposite sides share a unique experience as flowing interactive ribbons connect their virtual bodies. These generated graphics pulse in real-time as the visuals cycle through multiple virtual environments.
My role: As part of a team, I worked on concept design that included mocking up visuals in Cinema 4D, created visual design and assets, filmed the final project at Decibel Festival 2014, and created the final case study video.